
Chapter One :Chapter 1

Head stored, happy is all that matters ๑乛v乛๑ hehe

"You do not have a medical practice license, and it's a crime for you to treat anyone!"

"And as far as I know, you are a junior student at Huadu University, majoring in veterinary medicine.

You, a student of veterinary medicine, have opened a clinic treating humans as if they were animals.

Isn't this, if not a plot for wealth and murder, what is it?"


In the courtroom where the trial was being live-broadcasted, a pointy-faced man with golden spectacles, a keen lawyer, was sharply questioning a young man on the defendants' bench.

Upon his accusation, it caused an uproar in the court, the live chat was boiling over!

University student?

Studying veterinary?

Practicing medicine without a license?


Every single one of those accusations were explosive.

On the defendant's bench, upon hearing these accusations, the young man appeared rather dreadful.

When they said he did not have a medical practice license, he accepted it.

Claims of him plotting for wealth, leading to fatalities, were baseless...

His name is Song Bing.

The reason for this name is because he was often sickly since childhood. Drawing inspiration from Huo Qubing, a general known for his victories despite frail health, his parents named him 'Bing', meaning 'disease'.

What a great name.

However, against their wishes, he continued to fall ill frequently from birth, each time with a unique ailment.

Isn't it magical?

And so... A month ago, during a severe illness, Song Bing inexplicably gained a "Disease Delivery System".

The system identified him as a rare "Carrier of Disease".

Song Bing was in agreement with this and activated it.

The function of the "Disease Delivery System" was rather straightforward.

And incredibly powerful.

The system worked thus: No matter the type of challenging diseases or complicated female health issues... As long as Song Bing touched the patient, he could easily absorb and cure the illness.

At the same time, he could transfer the absorbed disease to others via touch, causing them to fall ill...

And for each kind of disease he absorbed, he would accumulate some merit points.

On the contrary, for every disease he cures, he loses some merit points.

One could say that whether he gains or loses merit points depends entirely on how he chooses to deal with a disease.

Upon understanding this, Song Bing was first stunned, then excited.

With a simple touch, he could cure diseases.

He could touch wherever the disease occurred.

Wouldn't such extraordinary ability make him a celebrated healer revered by all?

Thus, with the goodwill of curing diseases and saving people, and earning virtue points, Song Bing promptly got into action.

He was determined to eradicate diseases among the people of An Guo.

People no longer had to suffer the exorbitant medical bills and surgical costs imposed by those unscrupulous hospitals


... Living miserable lives spent working to pay for medical bills...

In the early stage of this ideology, he considered the task of healing diseases to be relatively easy and a great opportunity to earn virtue points.

Song Bing did not recklessly ask for money, usually not exceeding one hundred.

In a span of one month, Song Bing opened a clinic, cured diseases, saved people, and gained a rising reputation.

He cured close to a hundred patients, and the accumulated virtue points were also nearing one hundred.

He is about to complete the first round of achieving a full cycle of virtue points in the system...

Everything was originally moving in a positive direction.

Who would have thought!

He was sued and brought to court.

Even more so, the trial was aired live across the country.

He was accused of practicing medicine without a license.


"You say I am a murderer for profit, then may I ask, who did I harm?"

Drawing a deep breath in, Song Bing laughed bitterly out of anger.

The male lawyer Jiang Yiping chuckled lightly, this is the very statement he was waiting for.

He turned towards the observers and commanded righteously, “May those who have been victimized by Song Bing please stand, let us all together denounce this unforgivable demon.”


In an instant, one after another, people started standing up from the observers.

Seeing these witnesses, Song Bing's face drastically changed.

Because these indeed were people he had treated.

They were mostly people waiting for death due to terminal illnesses, they had cancer, AIDS...

It could be said, without his treatment, these people would still be tormented in their beds by illness.

Or even have already given up the ghost.

But now, they are standing up to accuse him?

Song Bing couldn't understand.

At this moment, he knew, if these people bite back, even jumping into the Yellow River couldn't clear his name.

"Your Honor, I wish to report, this devil sold us fake medicine, swindling us."

"That's right, he not only cheated us of our money, but worsened our conditions.

In the end, we only got well after going to a regular hospital."

"Indeed, he's a devil, he must be severely punished..."


Eighteen self-proclaimed 'victim witnesses' came forward, all pointing at Song Bing, their eyes wide open with condemnation.

As if Song Bing had become the person who killed their father.

Song Bing clenched his fist.

Looking at the grimacing faces of the 18 people, compared to their erstwhile gratitude and praise, the difference was like night and day.

He could hardly imagine, how could one person have such two drastically different faces?

【"Psh, have you gone crazy from poverty? Even going as far as to scam people out of their hard-earned money, is such a person still worthy of being called a human? All while being a student from An University, what a shame."】

【"Scumbags like him should be castrated and made into a specimen, kneeling beside that Qin Hui for eternity."】

【"You even scam your own compatriots, get out of An Nation, you are not worthy of being its citizen..."】


With this wave of criticism, the audience, the live broadcast viewers, and those keyboard warriors also started to spew curses.

Song Bing soon became the target of public criticism.

The scene quickly became chaotic.

"Tap, tap, tap..."

The clear sound of the judge's gavel sounded, and the stern voice of the presiding judge rang out, "Order in court."

The noisy courtroom finally quieted down.

But all the eyes staring at Song Bing were already full of hostility.

They wished they could dismember this 'criminal' on the spot...

"Your Honor, these are the evidence for the defendant's crimes."

Jiang Yiping took the opportunity to submit a thick pile of documents and simultaneously revealed an explosive news with a smile, "It's worth mentioning that this evidence was provided by a kind-hearted girl named Wu Yaxue. Moreover, she was once the defendant's girlfriend, but she decided to reveal the truth and remove the pest for the sake of justice after being unable to stand the defendant's evil acts!"

The moment these words spoken, there was an uproar in the entire room.

Adding to the shock, a woman, with an exquisitely done-up face stood up from a corner of the public gallery, her gaze shakily trailing Jiang Yiping.

Upon seeing the lady, Song Bingjiang stood in place, a look of disbelief plastered across his face.

Because this lady was none other than his girlfriend, someone he showered care on for three years.

Yet, she now stood as the plaintiff falsely accusing him…

With a feigned look of fear, Wu Yaxue turned her gaze to Song Bingjiang.

Taking a deep breath, she turned towards the public and the live camera and began in a righteous tone. "Hello everyone, I am Wu Yaxue, a third-year clinical student at Huadu University.

Yes, I am indeed the one who accused Song Bingjiang. Because I don’t want him to continue on the wrong path, and I certainly don't want more people being duped.”

As she spoke, she glanced again at Song Bingjiang, with tear-brimmed eyes, pleading weakly, “Song Bingjiang, I'm doing this for your own good, please stop!

As long as you reform yourself, I will still love you…”

"To hell with you, you bloody bitch."

Faced with Wu Yaxue's seemingly saint-like demeanor, Song Bingjiang’s defenses shattered.

He wished that he could charge forward, and vent out all his negative emotions on this despicable woman.

He had given almost everything for this woman, but why did she betray him?

A hint of unnoticeable sarcasm twitched at the corners of Wu Yaxue's mouth, as she continued to shed tears and plead.

She embodied the height of hypocrisy to perfection.

In order to marry into a rich family, she had to squeeze out the last value of a man who had been slavishly devoted to her for three years.

Sure enough, whether it was on the scene of the court or live broadcast,

Everyone blindly lauded Ms. Wu Yaxue's righteousness while cursing the scumbag, Song.

Until the judge pounds the gavel, Wu Yaxue collapses and has to be helped away.

Seeing the opportunity being ripe, Jiang Yiping, filled with righteous indignation, raises a lawsuit, "Your Honor, the defendant practicing medicine without a license is a crime.

Not to mention he is a veterinary student, yet for financial gain, he practiced medicine irresponsibly, treating the lives of citizens as trifles with no moral bottom line.

If it weren't for the kind Ms. Wu Yaxue and numerous victims bravely stepping out to uphold justice, we wouldn't know how many more would have been deceived.

I sincerely ask, to maintain the dignity of the medical field, that the defendant, Song, be sentenced to more than 50 years in prison.

And compensate all the victims for their mental and physical losses.... totaling 2.64 million yuan.

At the same time, to be banned from practicing medicine for life..."

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